These Are The Best Bad Movies Ever Made

Troll 2

No, you didn't miss the original Troll movie, this is the first and only of the franchise. A director's wife who spoke very little English wrote this script for an American cast. Obviously, some crucial plot points got lost in translation. There's even a documentary from 2009 about this movie titled "Best Worst Movie" made by one of the child stars from it!


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The More You Know

  • Novelist and screenwriter Nick Hornby is brother-in-law to novelist and screenwriter Robert Harris.
  • Within 3 days of release The Hunger Games has become the highest grossing film for production company Lionsgate.
  • Alred Hitchcock’s Psycho was the first American film to show a toilet flushing.
  • The location of Tony Stark’s mansion in Iron Man is the same cliff from Planet of the Apes where the Statue of Liberty is sticking out from the sand.
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