The Most Historically Accurate Hollywood Films

A Matter of Perspective

The accuracy of the events in the movie is widely debated. Some law enforcement agencies that worked on the Belfort case when it happened argue that some of the events aren't true. Critics argue that the film shows Belfort's life the way he perceived it. The major changes in the film were the names of some characters, for issues of privacy.


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The More You Know

  • Tom Cruise earned $75 Million for his role in Mission Impossible 2.
  • Cleopatra was fluent in 9 languages. They were Ancient Greek, Ancient Iranian, Ancient Parthian, Syriac, Ethiopian, Hebrew, Arabic and Troglodyte.
  • George Lucas wanted to make a Flash Gordon movie but could not obtain the rights so instead, he created Star Wars.
  • Women in the 18th century used lead as makeup.
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