The Most Historically Accurate Hollywood Films

Das Boot

Das Boot chronicles a German U boat during WWII, and it effectively evokes the terror and frustration of fighting a war while in such a confined space. It highlights the duality of protection and exposure, and director Wolfgang Peterson conveys powerful emotions from the crew that really resonate with the viewer. The intense battle scenes give audiences a new perspective on previously unknown submarine warfare tactics.


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The More You Know

  • Until the 19th century in Asia, elephants were trained to execute and torture prisoners and traitors.
  • Executive producer of Toy Story and Chief Pixar shareholder Steve Jobs picked Bob Dylan as his first choice to write and perform the soundtrack to the film over Randy Newman.
  • Dentures used to be made from the teeth of dead soldiers.
  • Samuel L. Jackson has a clause in his film contracts that allows him to play golf during film shoots whenever he wants.
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