The Most Historically Accurate Hollywood Films

No Holds Barred

Director Steve McQueen didn't hold back when telling Northup's story. He leaves in every gory detail, from the physical abuse to the emotional trauma Northup and the other slaves endured. He also successfully depicts the complex relationships between slaves and owners. Each character in the film is extremely well-developed and the factual journey some slaves who were lucky enough to earn back their freedom underwent is truly gut-wrenching. This movie won several well-deserved awards.


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The More You Know

  • The heads on Easter Island have bodies.
  • Abraham Lincoln is in the wrestling hall of fame.
  • The Germans and British soldiers paused the war for a day during Christmas Day 1914. They sang, drank and celebrated together. They even had a match of football.
  • After a slew of drug related offences, Robert Downey Jr. was a semi-blacklisted celebrity until Kiss Kiss Bang Bang reignited his career.
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