American Traditions That Confuse The Rest of the World

Too Many Trash Cans

What's the deal with lining the driveway with trash cans, and yet the United States has the highest litter rate in the world? People in Japan will walk with their trash for blocks if they're out and about and don't see a trash can. We could learn a thing or two about how other countries conserve their ecosystems.


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The More You Know

  • The Japanese created a smoke alarm for those who can't hear, which pumps super-spicy wasabi mist into the air to alert them.
  • Mark Zuckerberg said a voting mechanism that says whether posts are good or bad is 'not something that we think is good for the world'.
  • Goats have accents.
  • The United States defense budget of $698 billion is more than the next seventeen nations combined.
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