The Worst Epidemics Throughout History

A Romantic Disease

Tuberculosis is sometimes referred to as the romantic disease, as it often affected artists, writers, poets, painters, and more. John Keats, Edgar Allen Poe, Mary Shelley, Charlotte Bronte, and George Orwell are just a few of the famous writers who were infected with TB at one point in their life. It's also a disease that many characters set in that time period would have contracted. 


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The More You Know

  • Tarantula bites are about as painful as bee stings.
  • A solar powered, self-filling water bottle has been invented for bike riders that condenses atmospheric moisture to automatically fill the bottle.
  • The Guinness brewery supported all of it's employees who chose to fight in WW1. They were paid half of their wages while away, and their jobs were guaranteed upon their return. The brewery also sent them care packages containing chocolate and condensed milk.
  • The national animal of Scotland is the unicorn.
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