The Worst Epidemics Throughout History

Flu Pandemic

Influenza, better known as the flu, wreaked havoc on many nations for centuries before scientists discovered the vaccine. With the rise of industrial transportation, the disease was easily spread from one country to another in just a few weeks.  After a few months, the disease killed off over a million people around the world, reaching peak mortality only five weeks into the pandemic. 


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The More You Know

  • The Guinness brewery supported all of it's employees who chose to fight in WW1. They were paid half of their wages while away, and their jobs were guaranteed upon their return. The brewery also sent them care packages containing chocolate and condensed milk.
  • A group of bunnies is called a "fluffle."
  • There's such a thing as a fear of buttons.
  • Contrary to popular belief, Marilyn Munroe was nowhere near a 'plus' size 12 - 16, she was closer to a US size 0.
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