The Worst Movie Endings of All Time, Ranked

Knock Knock

He wants a quiet weekend all to himself, but instead, he gets a few unexpected guests. Two women show up asking for help, and everything crashes down from there. When his family finally comes back, they stumble upon the main character surrounded by death and violence. How?!


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The More You Know

  • The first public movie screening was held in 1895 in Paris.
  • During the filming of Star Trek (2009), Zachary Quinto could not manage to properly do the Vulcan salute. Eventually, J.J. Abrams had to glue his fingers together in order for Quinto to do it correctly.
  • Darth Vader only has 12 minutes of screen time in the original Star Wars.
  • Orson Welles directed much of Citizen Kane from a wheelchair, after injuring himself on set.
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