The Worst Movie Endings of All Time, Ranked

The Hedgehog

The Hedgehog is about a young girl and a concierge trying to find herself. it's based on a French novel, so a little tragedy is to be expected. However, the twist ending is the concierge dying out of seemingly nowhere. It was deemed a little too depressing, even for the most downer of viewers...


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The More You Know

  • In 2002, Steven Spielberg finally finished college after a 33-year hiatus. He turned in Schindler’s List for his student film requirement.
  • Often derided as a mega-flop, Waterworld actually took home nearly $90m more in worldwide box office than its estimated budget.
  • The skeletons in "Poltergeist" are not props. They are real human skeletons.
  • Orson Welles directed much of Citizen Kane from a wheelchair, after injuring himself on set.
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