The Strangest Art Exhibitions From Around the World

Dalí Doesn’t Hit the Snooze Button

Because Dalí based most of his work off of dreamscapes, when he napped he devised a way to access the “hypnagogic realm” – the state between dreaming and awake. He balanced a key over a metal plate, and as soon as he felt himself falling asleep, the key would fall and wake him. He was rested just enough while still was able to record the dreams he might have had on the edge of unconsciousness.


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The More You Know

  • The small intestine is bigger than the large intestine.
  • Cards Against Humanity bought an island in Maine to preserve wildlife. It is called Hawaii 2.
  • Cherophobia is the irrational fear of fun or happiness.
  • Cans of diet soda will float in water, regular soda cans will sink.
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