Uncovering the Dark Truth Behind Natalie Wood's Mysterious Death

He Had a Temper

In the midst of an argument, Davern says that Wagner smashed a bottle of wine on the table the yelled at Walken, "Are you trying to f*** my wife?"

Wood went to bed. Walken followed soon afterward, which was the last Davern saw of him. Davern heard Wagner and Wood arguing on the deck of the boat. Then, he says that "everything went silent."


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The More You Know

  • Movie popcorn costs more per ounce than Filet Mignon.
  • There's a "floating rainforest" in the sea.
  • At the Wife Carrying World Championships in Finland, first prize is the wife's weight in beer.
  • A species of squid has been observed to leap from the ocean by using pressurized water jets to achieve flight, going as far as 98 feet!
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