The Most Universally Despised TV Characters of All Time

Alan Harper – Two and a Half Men

Isn’t it a little weird that a chiropractor was mooching off his brother for years? Couldn't he move out? Alan was once a relatable character, but after the divorce and a number of failed relationships, he became a pathetic husk of a man. Even after Charlie was axed and replaced with Ashton Kutcher’s character, Alan refused to get his own place, instead choosing to live with billionaire Walden. Grow up, dude.


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The More You Know

  • Ken Jennings is the biggest game show winner
  • The show we know and love as Friends today could have been called Insomnia Café or Six of One.
  • Many shows today feature "anti-heroes," or villains who serve as the main character. Such shows include Dexter, Breaking Bad, and The Sopranos.
  • Breaking Bad: When you combine the titles of Season 2's first, fourth, tenth, and thirteenth episodes you get "Seven Thirty-Seven, Down, Over, ABQ," which is a foreshadowing of the plane crash at the end of the season.
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