The Most Mysterious Unsolved Disappearances of All Time

Chilling Discovery

90 photos from April 8 were shot between 1 and 4 p.m. The photos were taken deep in the jungle in almost complete darkness. One photo shows the back of Kremers’ head with what appears to be blood by her temple. Kremer’s jean shorts, zipped and folded, were located on a rock near where Froon’s backpack had been discovered. Two months later, a pelvis and a boot with a foot inside were found, along with 33 scattered bones along the riverbank.


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The More You Know

  • The first roller coaster was invented to stop sinful behavior.
  • There is a fish with transparent bones and white blood.
  • When Boris Yeltsin met President Clinton in 1995, his first question was "Do you think O.J. did it?"
  • Tic Tac mints are named after the sound their container makes.
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