The Most Mysterious Unsolved Disappearances of All Time

Tragic Ending

Susan’s blood was found on the floor along with a life insurance policy for $1.5 million and a handwritten letter expressing fear for her life. At daycare several months after her disappearance, Susan’s son drew a picture of a van with three people in it and said that “mommy was in the trunk.” It was also revealed that Joshua’s father was obsessed with Susan. On February 5, 2012, Joshua killed himself and his two children in a home explosion. Susan’s case was closed in 2013. Police stated they believed she had been murdered by her husband.


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The More You Know

  • There are around 60,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body. If you took them all out and laid them end to end, they’d stretch around the world more than twice.
  • When two white-faced capuchin monkeys meet, they say hello by sticking their fingers into each other's noses.
  • Tennis was originally played with bare hands.
  • The Netherlands has the tallest population.
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