The Most Luxurious Purchases of the Rich & Famous

Bill Gates

Bill Gates, the richest man in the world, owns this stunning waterfront home in Medina, Washington. The estate, which he named Xanadu 2.0, is valued at $147.5 million. It has an indoor and outdoor pool, a bowling alley, a gigantic library, a state-wide server system. A pin is given to visitors that changes the temperature of the home, lighting, and music in each room they enter.


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The More You Know

  • Oprah’s name isn’t actually Oprah.
  • Matthew Broderick was convicted of careless driving in a car accident in which two people died.
  • Lady Gaga taught herself to play the piano at only four years old!
  • In the early days of his career, Sylvester Stallone was so poor that he sold his dog Butkus for $50.
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