The Most Influential Drummers of All Time

Akira Kawasaki (Mouse on the Keys)

Somewhere between classical, jazz, and punk, Mouse on the Keys is a band that is held together by super creative technical yet somehow still pocket drumming. Kawasaki has an ear for what can make a piano-drums song mind-blowing. Mouse on the Keys is one of the coolest two-piece bands to ever exist. If you like "mathrock" or anything that could be considered of the mathrock ilk, you should check out Mouse on the Keys. 


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The More You Know

  • President Nixon was an accomplished musician. He played five instruments, including the accordion.
  • Metallica is the only band to perform on all seven continents.
  • Nirvana and Soundgarden shared a member named Jason Everman who went on to became a Green Beret.
  • While listening to music, your heart can sync to the rhythm.
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