The Most Influential Drummers of All Time

Moe Tucker (Velvet Underground)

A totally off-kilter drummer, Moe Tucker chose to stand instead of sit, she played with mallets instead of sticks and avoided using cymbals unless completely necessary or unexpected. Tucker chose to follow the emotional flow of the song to drive her percussion, not to follow the actual time signature exactly. She and Lou Reed had a push-pull relationship, but it never dipped into being difficult to manage. 


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The More You Know

  • Axl Rose’s real name is William Bailey.
  • Monaco’s orchestra is bigger than its army.
  • In 1969, the founder and the original leader of the Rolling Stones (Brian Jones) got kicked out of the band and then died less than a month later.
  • Before starting the band Kiss, Gene Simmons was a sixth-grade teacher.
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