The Most Influential Drummers of All Time

Tomas Haake (Meshuggah)

The long-standing percussionist in Swedish “extreme” metal group, Tomas Haake made his name known for playing 4/4 grooves with his off-hand and playing poly-rhythms with his dominant hand. Tomas is fast and powerful, tonally similar to a lot of the nu-metal and deathcore bands coming up around the time Meshuggah showed up. Tomas is a remarkable drummer who manages to weave complex rhythms into otherwise "simple" songs in basic time signatures. 


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The More You Know

  • Jimi Hendrix was kicked out of Little Richard’s band for stealing the spotlight and not wearing the uniform.
  • Nirvana and Soundgarden shared a member named Jason Everman who went on to became a Green Beret.
  • Morrissey was asked to guest star on the TV show Friends but he declined because he didn’t want to sing with Phoebe.
  • Mick Jagger is a skilled ballet dancer, and he has been taking lessons for years.
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