The Most Iconic Swimsuit Moments In Movie History

Paula Prentiss, "Where The Boys Are"

The movie follows the adventures of four college girls on spring break in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, as they search for love and fun in the sun.

Prentiss played the role of Tuggle Carpenter, one of the girls, and the film became a box office hit and a cultural touchstone of its era. Prentiss received critical acclaim for her performance, and the movie helped to launch her career as a leading lady in Hollywood.


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The More You Know

  • Tyra Banks suffers from delphiniphobia (aka a fear of dolphins).
  • Lady Gaga wrote “Just Dance” and “Born This Way” in just 10 minutes.
  • Brad Pitt first gained recognition as a cowboy hitchhiker in the road movie Thelma & Louise.
  • Actor Joaquin Phoenix was born in a cult, which might help explain why his siblings were named River, Rain, Liberty, and Summer. Their parents were members of Children of God group, which was founded in the 1960s.
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