The Most Iconic Rock & Roll Groupies Of All Time

Sid Very Vicious

After Nancy married Sid Vicious, they had a very terrible relationship, as Sid was mentally and physically abusive. Although Nancy earned the name “Nauseating Nancy” for her own violent breakouts, it was Sid who eventually killed his wife and hid her body under the sink at the Hotel Chelsea. He overdosed before he could go on trial for the crime.


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The More You Know

  • The Who drummer, Keith Moon, claims to have given Led Zeppelin their name.
  • According to the Guinness Book World Records, Queen has the longest- running fan club of all time.
  • Nirvana and Soundgarden shared a member named Jason Everman who went on to became a Green Beret.
  • Elvis was originally blonde. He started dying his hair black for an edgier look.
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