The Most Iconic Movie Plot Twists of All Time

The Usual Suspects

Five men are being investigated for a crime they didn’t commit. It is slowly demonstrated that a man named Keyser Soze is behind all of it. The men die off until only Roger “Verbal” Kint remains. As Kint leaves the police station, the view and Kujan realize at the same time that Keyser Soze was Verbal the whole time.


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The More You Know

  • Straight Outta Compton movie was never played in Compton because the city has no movie theaters.
  • Only three films have won “The Big Five” Oscars
  • They designed E.T.'s face by combining Albert Einstein, Carl Sandburg and a pug dog.
  • Toto was paid $125 per week while filming The Wizard of Oz.
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