The Most Iconic (and Cringeworthy) Moments in Talk Show History

Leno opted not to skirt around the issue on his show, asking Grant directly what everyone wanted to know: "What the hell were you thinking?" In response, Grant confessed to doing "a bad thing." Thompson, on the other hand, only learned who Grant was after reporters besieged her house the day after her arrest. She has earned roughly $1.6 million from publicity.


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The More You Know

  • Saturday Night Live: Jim Carrey auditioned to be a cast member multiple times, but was never hired.
  • 99% of American homes own at least one television set, and 66% has at least three.
  • Brett Wicks, who designed the logo for the show, originally thought The Sopranos was about singers, not mobsters.
  • For a long time, TV producers were hesitant to kill off main characters. The drama/comedy show M*A*S*H, set during the Korean War, broke through that barrier in "Abyssinia/Henry," when Lieutenant Colonel Henry Blake's plane was shot down.
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