The Most Iconic (and Cringeworthy) Moments in Talk Show History

Oprah brings out the wagon of fat

To this day, Oprah claims she regrets this stunt she pulled for her "Diet Dreams" episode. She kicked off the episode by dragging out a Radio Flyer that held 67 pounds of fat—the amount of weight she'd shed to become a size 10. She did end up gaining back the weight, but this was surely one of the most iconic moments in talk show history.


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The More You Know

  • The West Wing: The longest "walk and talk" scene the show ever shot was three minutes long, took half the night to shoot, and involved around 500 extras.
  • The Cosby Show: Sondra was almost played by Whitney Houston instead of Sabrina Le Beauf...but she turned down the role to pursue music.
  • In the early days of his career, Sylvester Stallone was so poor that he sold his dog Butkus for $50.
  • Tyra Banks suffers from delphiniphobia (aka a fear of dolphins).
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