The Most Iconic (and Cringeworthy) Moments in Talk Show History

John Oliver pays off $15 million in strangers' medical debts

During a segment Last Week Tonight in 2016, John Oliver discussed how predatory entities will buy debt from banks for cents on the dollar, earning a profit by harassing debtors to cough up the money. He then announced his plan to fight back.


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The More You Know

  • Ashton Kutcher has webbed toes.
  • Arrested Development: Tobias's mustache was almost a no-go on the show because apparently FOX has a "no facial hair, no ball caps, no puffy sleeves" motto for men.
  • Married... With Children (and Modern Family): Ed O'Neill's characters on both shows can be seen reading the same newspaper.
  • The Sopranos was an influential show in many regards, one of which was its popularization of the "anti-hero." In the episode "College," Tony murders an enemy on-screen and ushers in a new age of glorifying villains.
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