The Most Iconic (and Cringeworthy) Moments in Talk Show History

Crispin Glover almost kicks Letterman in the head

Crispin Glover is best known for playing George McFly in Back to the Future. After the film's success, Glover appeared on Letterman's show in 1987 to promote his next flick, River's Edge. Wearing a wig, glasses, and platform shoes, Glover refused to answer any of the questions Letterman asked him, with the talk show host growing visibly annoyed as time went on.


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The More You Know

  • Morgan Freeman has a private pilot’s license, which he earned at the age of 65!
  • Tom Cruise has an asymmetrical face.
  • The original pilot for Game of Thrones was judged to be so bad by the studio that the series was nearly cancelled.
  • The show we know and love as Friends today could have been called Insomnia Café or Six of One.
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