The Most Iconic and Memorable Movie Cars to Ever Hit the Silver Screen

Jurassic Park 1992 Ford Explorer XLT UN46

Six Ford Explorers were used in the making of the '92 classic Jurassic Park. The cars were modified to look automated by hiding the drivers in the trunk, navigating the set with two cameras feeding them outside images. By the end of filming three dumpsters were filled with parts from destroyed cars, after all, they took a beating going up against the prehistoric monsters. 


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The More You Know

  • Following the release of Rocky IV, a joke was making rounds in Hollywood. Since Rocky had run out of opponents, he would have to fight an alien if a fifth movie was made. Jim and John Thomas took the joke seriously and wrote a screenplay based on it, which later became the movie "Predator".
  • Former billionaire Chuck Feeney has given away over 99% of his 6.3 billion dollars to help under privileged kids go to college. He is now worth $2 million dollars.
  • Fleas can jump up to 100 times their body length.
  • A baby can cost new parents 750 hours of sleep.
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