The Most Confusing Movie Endings


Amy Adams's character in the film is complicated and hard to understand. She's seeing visions of what we thought was her past, but it was actually visions of Louise's future, which makes most of the confusing parts make more sense. The ending is interesting because only she and the viewer know what is really at stake. 


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The More You Know

  • A famous ‘Pulp Fiction’ shot was filmed in reverse
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger practiced with guns every day for a month to prepare for The Terminator.
  • On the set of one of the Pirates of the Carribbean films, Johnny Depp spent £40,000 on 500 coats for the cast and crew.
  • The names of the taxi driver and the policeman in everybody’s favourite Yuletide outing, It’s A Wonderful Life, are Bert and Ernie. The writers working on Sesame Street at the time claim it’s merely a coincidence.
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