The Most Common Cooking Mistakes We All Make Daily

You're Not Letting Meat Rest

Some people pull beef (and other "steaklike" proteins) off of the pan and they immediately slice into it while the outside is still sizzling. This is a super "no-no" in the cooking world. That big juicy cut that you were so excited to eat is going to be strangely cooked, dry, and boring by the time it hits the table. Cutting meats too early will make the juices and fats run out of the finished product. Make sure you at least rest your meats for one or two minutes before you slice into them. 


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The More You Know

  • Pittsburgh is the only city where all three major sports teams share the same colors.
  • Parts of the Great Wall of China were made with sticky rice.
  • Kids ask about 300 questions a day.
  • Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd dusted off their Ghostbusters costumes to visit a terminally ill child who was a fan of the film and wanted to meet them.
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