The Most Beloved Romantic Comedies Ever Made

The film follows a couple who is struggling to find common ground with their family's different traditions. Kumail Nanjiani plays himself in the film as a comic who also works as an Uber Driver and his wife is played by Zoe Kazan. Things go south when Emily falls into a coma and Kumail has to deal with her parents. He stays by her bedside, and hilarious trouble ensues...

Sleeping With Other People (2015)

This film takes on a more nuanced version of the romantic comedy. Instead of cute storylines and quirky characters, we meet two people who are as flawed as they come in more ways than one. It's not uncommon to have messy characters, but the writers really didn't hold back on creating the problems between these two.


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The More You Know

  • Pizza only became popular in the United States after American troops occupying Italy during World War 2 became hooked on it and then popularized it back home.
  • There's a Russian village where every resident is a tightrope walker.
  • Tarantula bites are about as painful as bee stings.
  • Tic Tac mints are named after the sound their container makes.
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