The Most Beloved Romantic Comedies Ever Made

Annie Hall (1977)

Despite Woody Allen's horrific life, Annie Hall continues to be one of the best romantic comedies out there. With a cast like Christopher Walken and Diane Keaton, what else is there hate? Besides Allen, of course. The relationship unfolds in a nuanced way that keeps the audience's attention. 


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The More You Know

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  • Vietnam is one of the most pro-US countries in the world, with 76% having a favorable view. This is higher than Japan, the United Kingdom, and France.
  • Former billionaire Chuck Feeney has given away over 99% of his 6.3 billion dollars to help under privileged kids go to college. He is now worth $2 million dollars.
  • The richest superhero is actually Black Panther, who has an estimated of $500 billion, whereas Tony Stark is worth $100 billion and Bruce Wayne $80 billion.
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