Rare Facts About Elvis Presley You Probably Didn't Know

Lonely Nights

Elvis Presley didn’t like spending nights alone. Not in a purely romantic way either, he just got lonely. He always made sure he had someone in the room when she slept. Though the exact reason for this is unknown, some theorize that it’s based on his close relationship with his mother.


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The More You Know

  • Elvis was originally blonde. He started dying his hair black for an edgier look.
  • Dave Grohl was so intimidated by Kurt Cobain that he hid a lot of the music he made while on tour with Nirvana. After Cobain's death, the tucked away music would become Foo Fighters' first album.
  • None of the Beatles could read or write sheet music.
  • Barry Manilow did not, in fact, write “I Write The Songs.”
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