Rare Facts About Elvis Presley You Probably Didn't Know

Stolen Single

Though he is known for one of the most iconic songs ever with Hound Dog, it’s not actually his song. It was originally by Big Mama Thornton in 1953, 3 years prior to Elvis’.


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The More You Know

  • “Happy Birthday” was the first song ever played on Mars. Mars Rover Curiosity played the song to itself on its first anniversary on the planet.
  • Dave Grohl was so intimidated by Kurt Cobain that he hid a lot of the music he made while on tour with Nirvana. After Cobain's death, the tucked away music would become Foo Fighters' first album.
  • Barry Manilow didn't write his hit song "I Write the Songs."
  • None of the Beatles could read or write sheet music.
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