The Greatest Diamond Heist of All Time Was Foiled By a Salami Sandwich

The Foot Long Key

The only thing that could have thwarted their plans was the locked door. The lock took a key that was over a foot long to open, but fortunately, the King of Keys knew how to replicate a key just like it, he only needed a picture or video of the original key. In September of 2002, Notarbartolo entered the vault as he usually did, but he quickly installed a small camera onto the top of the fire extinguisher that was hanging on the wall of the room, capturing a video of the original key used to unlock the door, and with that information, the men were ready to take on the challenge…


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The More You Know

  • The Nobel Committee declined to award the Nobel Peace Prize in 1948 because "there was no suitable living candidate." This was meant as tribute to Mahatma Gandhi, who was assassinated earlier that year without receiving the Prize.
  • You only breathe out of one nostril at a time.
  • The toilet is statistically the cleanest place in your home. Your desk, kitchen sink, and cellphone all have more bacteria.
  • More people are bitten each year by New Yorkers than by sharks.
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