The Deadliest Sports on Earth: Ranked

You Know What You're Getting Yourself Into

Roughly 85% of skydiving injuries occur while landing (actually 100% of them do, but the causes aren't necessarily due to improper landings). Broken bones are the most common injury, but people regularly walk away with concussions, muscle tears, and sometimes not at all. There are roughly 25 skydiving deaths over the course of a typical year. 


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The More You Know

  • The 442nd Infantry Regiment, a largely Japanese American unit that served during WWII, did so while their families were held in internment camps. Their motto was "Go for Broke" and they were the most decorated unit in U.S. military history.
  • The woolly mammoth survived until Egyptian times.
  • When a piece of bread is toasted, it's called the "Maillard reaction."
  • A Scarlet Macaw can live up to 80 years.
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