The Curious Case of The Man With Two Sets of DNA

Trouble's Brewing

Long’s doctors urged him to get a vasectomy since he did not want to pass on the Irishman’s genes. However, after the vasectomy, the doctors discovered something strange. According to lab results, 100% of the Irishman's DNA showed up in his biopsy. So, in theory, the child that Long would have had would have been a potential 50/50 split of his DNA and the Irishman’s…


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The More You Know

  • There are snakes with two heads, which compete with each other for food.
  • Nearly 15 percent of Los Angeles is used as a parking lot.
  • Tic Tac mints are named after the sound their container makes.
  • The last movie ever rented at a corporate Blockbuster was "This Is The End" at a store in Hawaii.
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