The Creepiest Artifacts in Museums Around the World

Stillborn Conjoined Twins

One day, medical staff at an undisclosed hospital found a jar with conjoined twins inside. After inspecting them, they figured out that the twins had been stillborn. No one at the hospital had a clue as to who they were or why they were left in a medical closet, but they knew that they couldn't just lay them to rest. Instead, they opted to give the twins the attention that they deserved and donated them to the Mütter Museum. 


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The More You Know

  • The FDA estimated that the average American eats a pound of insects every year.
  • Fatal familial insomnia makes it impossible for someone to sleep for months.
  • In Ancient Egypt , priests plucked their bodies bald.
  • Your blood is about 7% of your body weight.
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