The Complete List of the Tallest Women in Hollywood

Still Going Strong

Although many people have tried to push her into modeling, that just isn't her cup of tea! The 5'10 actor likes to stay on the TV screen. She's currently playing Kelly Grayson in The Orville.


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The More You Know

  • A man sued Pepsi claiming he found a mouse in his Mountain Dew. Pepsi attorneys stated that Mountain Dew will dissolve a mouse in 30 days, and showed his can was purchased 74 days after being manufactured.
  • In 1993, San Francisco held a referendum over whether a police officer called Bob Geary was allowed to patrol while carrying a ventriloquist’s dummy called Brendan O’Smarty. He was.
  • There are around 2,000 thunderstorms happening on Earth at all times.
  • Stephen Hawking is 73 years old and has outlived his shortened life expectancy due to ALS by over 50 years.
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