The Best Rock Guitarists Who Ever Lived

Paul Simon (Simon and Garfunkel)

Originally a member of the Hall of Fame inductee band “Simon and Garfunkel,” Paul Simon took a different approach with his solo music. Channeling folk, country, swing, funk, blues, jazz, and sometimes even punk, Paul Simon has a legendary play style. His style is built around a consistent strumming pattern and matching minors and majors per phrase in succession to drive his songs.


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The More You Know

  • Mariah Carey's ex-husband, Tommy Mottola, supposedly swiped an audio sample she was planning to use for her next album. The sample then popped up in a Jennifer Lopez song which came out first.
  • Jimi Hendrix was kicked out of Little Richard’s band for stealing the spotlight and not wearing the uniform.
  • Nirvana and Soundgarden shared a member named Jason Everman who went on to became a Green Beret.
  • In 2016, Mozart sold more albums than Beyoncé.
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