The Best Home Repair Hacks from Your Local Repairman

Easy Off for Ice

We all know that scraping the ice off your car in the morning during a cold winter day is quite a chore. If you don't have a de-icer handy, you can use WD-40 on your windows and windshield before you head to bed that night. Spread it across the windows using a clean, dry cloth and in the morning, you won't have ice to scrape.


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The More You Know

  • The glass winged butterfly lacks colored scales, which makes its wings transparent and helps it avoid predators.
  • If you know you'll need to bake with brown sugar soon and it's too hard to use, stick a piece of bread in with the sugar overnight and leave the two in a sealed plastic bag.
  • Did you peel a label off a jar only to find paper and residue left behind? Using a cotton pad and some cooking oil, rub the residue and let it sit for a few minutes.
  • The first pieces of gold at Fort Knox arrived by mail.
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