The Best Celebrity Cameos and Appearances in 'Friends'

Hank Azaria

Friends had a real love for characters in the STEM field. Hank Azaria played Phoebe's scientist boyfriend, David, in seasons 1,7, and 9. He moves away to Minsk, Russia at the end of season 1, but he continues to make appearances throughout the rest of the series. 


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The More You Know

  • Voice actor Mel Blanc did virtually all of the voices in the animated series Looney Tunes.
  • The producers of The X-Files originally wanted Pamela Anderson for the role of Dana Scully.
  • TV technology existed before commercial radio
  • The fan-favorite "Soup Nazi" character from Seinfeld was based on Al Yeganeh, a NYC chef. After the Soup Nazi episode aired (which Yeganeh reportedly hates), his business increased wildly.
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