The Bermuda Triangle Is Still One of The Most Mysterious Places on Earth

Disappearing Ships

One of the most popular shipwrecks of all time was the disappearance of Daniel Burack and his 23-foot cabin cruiser, Witchcraft. On December 22, 1967, Burack called the coast guard to report that his ship had hit something. He sent up flare signals, but after 19 minutes of waiting, rescue vessels reported that Witchcraft, the captain, and the crew were nowhere to be found...


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The More You Know

  • Agatha Christie said she came up with many of her book plots while sitting in her bathtub while eating apples.
  • There was a flying dinosaur the size of a giraffe.
  • "E" is the most common letter and appears in 11 percent of all english words.
  • The first roller coaster was invented to stop sinful behavior.
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