Strangest Things Confiscated By The TSA

Bear Repellent

Yes, bear repellent is a real thing. Would it really be that effective in the event of a bear attack, though? Like, would the person remember to use this, or would they be too scared to move? Anyways, because this had forbidden ingredients and had too much liquid, it was taken away.


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The More You Know

  • The Antarctic glaciers are made up of 3% penguin urine.
  • A man once wore 60 shirts and 9 pairs of jeans to the airport to avoid extra fees.
  • The oldest “your mom” joke was discovered on a 3,500-year-old Babylonian tablet.
  • It would take 76 workdays (if you work an eight-hour day) to read every online privacy policy you agree to in an average year.
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