Strange Noise Coming From Walls Turns Out to Be Man's Greatest Fear

Calling Police

As Renee tended to the wounds through her tears, Hanna's boyfriend came running through the door. He had heard the gunshot go off and knew something was wrong. He was shocked to see Hanna on the floor covered in blood. He quickly called the police and tried to help Renee with stopping the blood. She had really messed up ...


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The More You Know

  • A Nepalese doctor has restored the sight of over 100,000 often poverty-stricken people in the last thirty years across Asia and Africa using a 5 minute procedure and an inexpensive artificial lens.
  • After Hitler ordered the deportation of Denmark's Jewish population, Danish citizens organized a massive evacuation of the Jews to neutral Sweden, despite the risks. In the end, 99% of Danish Jews survived the Holocaust.
  • Peanuts grow underground.
  • The people who are currently alive are only 7% of the total number of people who have ever lived.
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