Spring Cleaning Hacks You'll Wish You'd Found Out Years Ago

Remove Oil Stains With Baking Soda

Baking soda again is your one stop shop for removing oil and grease stains. It can effectively remove week-old stains that have even seen a couple washing cycles with no luck. It's another one of nature's miracle workers. 


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The More You Know

  • If you have greasy fingerprints on your doorframes or walls, there's a simple fix. Just rub a piece of chalk gently over them, let it sit for 10 minutes, and the chalk will absorb the oil, allowing it to easily wipe away.
  • During pollen season, rinse your hair before bed. Otherwise you’re just depositing pollen on your pillowcase every night and then rolling your face in it all night.
  • Every homeowner should have a flexible-shaft pick-up tool for grabbing stuff out of hard-to reach spots. They're also great for yanking clogs out of drains!
  • You don't need a strawberry huller: Take the stems off strawberries cleanly by driving a straw right through from bottom to top.
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