For cost-conscious cheese lovers, dreams really do come true. Costco has announced that they’re releasing a 72-pound wheel of cheese coming to stores soon. The wheel costs $900 and is a Kirkland Signature Parmigiano Reggiano. You can grate it over soup, salad, pasta, or anything you like! Run, do not walk, to get your cheese wheel.
According to Costco’s website, the wheel comes from Italy and is made from fresh milk from the Parma and Reggio Emilio provinces. The cheese costs about $12.50 per pound, in case you can’t shell out $900 on the full fancy cheese wheel.
Shipping takes about 2-3 days, but very specific days as well. The wheel can only be ordered three days out of the week: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. These are precautions taken against spoiling the cheese.
According to the site, “Parmigiano Reggiano is the apex of Italian cheese making and a symbol of Italian culture and civilization. Aged a minimum of 24 months, this product is brushed completely and regularly inspected to comply with the strict standards of the Consortium Parmigiano Reggiano.” Get yours ASAP!