The Unexpected Rules and Customs of the Amish Community

When thinking of the Amish, people most likely imagine horse and buggies, barn-raising events, modestly dressed men and women, and hordes of children. While those things are very much ingrained in Amish society, there are a lot more rules and regulations that you must follow to truly be Amish. 

No Physical Interaction During Courtship

When courting, the couple must not touch. No hand-holding, hugging, and especially no kissing. This is done so that the integrity of the relationship in the eyes of the community stays intact. 


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The More You Know

  • Stephen Hawking is 73 years old and has outlived his shortened life expectancy due to ALS by over 50 years.
  • A former NASA scientist invented the Super Soaker.
  • Saturn is the only planet in our solar system that could float in water.
  • The richest superhero is actually Black Panther, who has an estimated of $500 billion, whereas Tony Stark is worth $100 billion and Bruce Wayne $80 billion.
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