The Most Bizarre International Fast Food Items

Fast-food has become a staple across the globe, and some mainstream fast-food restaurants had to adapt to foreign tastes. However, some of these menu items are so wild, you'll wonder if anyone actually enjoys them...

Shaka Shaka Chicken- McDonald’s, Singapore

This dish was an instant hit in Singapore, and it’s starting to catch on in the Japanese market as well. McDonald’s provides you with a fried chicken breast, an insulated bag, and a packet of whatever seasoning you choose. It’s kinda lazy on their part to not do this for you, but you’re supposed to put the chicken and seasoning into the bag and shake it up. For a 5$ chicken breast, I’d at least like it to be seasoned for me. 


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The More You Know

  • A Boeing 747 airliner is made of over 6,000,000 separate parts.
  • In 1993, San Francisco held a referendum over whether a police officer called Bob Geary was allowed to patrol while carrying a ventriloquist’s dummy called Brendan O’Smarty. He was.
  • You can buy a completely renovated and converted Boeing 727 jet that accommodates 23 people for less than the cost of a Ferrari.
  • The first breakfast cereal had to be soaked overnight before it could be eaten.
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