The Deadliest Sports on Earth: Ranked

Do you consider yourself a thrill-seeker? Do you crave the adrenaline rush that comes with doing something risky? Maybe one of these deadly sports could be your next adventure...

White Water Rafting 

Whitewater rafting is when you take a raft into rushing, rapid waterways that are so turbulent that they appear to be white. Simple enough, right? People have been doing this for hundreds of years, but it wasn't until recent years that this sport took off. Whitewater rafting is exhilarating, accessible, and yes—extremely dangerous.


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The More You Know

  • In 1567, the man said to have the longest beard in the world died after he tripped over his beard running away from a fire.
  • The average golf ball has 336 dimples.
  • Lightning can heat the air it passes through to 50,000 degrees.
  • The Catholic Church considers the Theory of Evolution to be "virtually certain", and believes that intelligent design "isn't science even though it pretends to be."
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