The Best (or Worst?) Photoshop Fails

Using photoshop is definitely an art and talent. Unfortunately, not all people are gifted with photoshop skills… That’s been made pretty evident. From phantom hands to ill-portioned bodies, be prepared to see some of the weirdest creations… How did these photos ever get greenlit into production?

Neck = Broken

Yeah, it looks like this dude just straight dove into all of those rocks. This company must have been too focused on the shorts to actually realize the image they were making…


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The More You Know

  • The Eiffel Tower was inaugurated the same year Nintendo was founded.
  • The first commercial airplane flight lasted 23 minutes.
  • A relative of the T. rex stood just 3-feet tall.
  • The wolf's jaw can exert 1500 pounds of pressure per square inch, twice the jaw pressure of a German Shepherd. Wolves can crush large bones in just a few bites.
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