Bizarre Shenanigans That You Only Experience On The Subway

The subway is great for people-watching. It doesn’t matter where you are, what city you’re in, or even what country, the subway will always attract some bizarre lifeforms that you’d never see above ground.

Harry Potter Crew

They all must be heading to a meet up of some sort. The kid that looks like Harry Potter has to know what he’s doing with those glasses, it’s just absurd to not know!


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The More You Know

  • The designer of the current United States flag was 17 at the time, and created it for a high school project. He received a B-.
  • The population of the United States increases by one person every 12 seconds.
  • A single dollar bill costs 5 cents to make.
  • St. Lucia is the only country that is named after a woman.
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